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Untitled - Chapter 1

Chapter 1

It was a beautiful Christmas night, we were counting down and know everything would change next year, even when the countdown was over I had some not very good memories, like the last year at school and the murder in my living room, a guy with , A half-black and half-white mask came into my room and my teacher thought it was some student's joke, until he took out a pocket of a very large knife he gave a typical laughter of those horror films

And said "There's nothing like deep breathing after a laugh. Nothing in the world compares to the sore stomach for the right reasons."

Everyone in the room was in panic, including me, who hid myself from under my wallet and stayed there for a long time until he left our room, some students said that he took the knife and cut my teacher's neck very lightly and The more she shouted the more he laughed, until he cut a deep throat in her throat, one of the students named Julio went to the killer and tried to kick him, that's when he let the teacher drop to the floor, quickly caught The knife and tucked it in his belly and left the room because he heard the police siren, but before I went I spoke my name and my time was coming.

My mother got me and asked me if I was remembering again what had happened and I said

"Of course not mother, what happened seems like a typical horror series

. I want to forget this soon.

I feel my cell vibrate, it's my cousin Katharina who sent me a message saying she was coming to my house.

While she is not there, I thought I would lie down to rest, because it was already

Dawning, I woke up to the noise of my cell phone with four messages


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