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Mostrando postagens de abril, 2017

Famous in Love -Nova série da produtora de Pretty Little Liars

A nova série produzida pela  I. Marlene King que é a mesma produtora de PLL conta a historia de  Paige Townsen, uma estudante universitária comum, começa a sua carreira como atriz começa a decolar  depois de audição para o papel de estreia em um blockbuster de Hollywood.   Ela deve agora navegar sua nova vida repleta de estrelas E a protagonista da série é nada mais nada menos de que Balla Thorne  eu vi o piloto da série , na verdade não terminei de ver mas tem uma parte que é tipo Kylie Jenner Paige Townsen (personagem da Bella )  repleta de paparazzis  essa série promete  siga nas redes sociais  @famalogica

Untitled - 第1章

第1章 這是一個美麗的聖誕夜,我們倒計時,知道明年的一切都會改變,即使倒計時結束了,我也有一些不是很好的回憶,比如去年在學校和我客廳的謀殺案,一個半黑色和半白色的面具進入我的房間,我的老師認為這是一些學生的笑話,直到他拿出一把非常大的刀的口袋,他給了這些恐怖片的典型的笑聲 並說:“沒有什麼像笑一樣深呼吸,世界上沒有什麼比正確的原因胃痛。 房間裡的每一個人都在恐慌中,包括我,從我的錢包裡躲藏在我身邊很長一段時間,直到他離開我們的房間,有些學生說他拿刀,很輕鬆地剪掉了我老師的脖子。他大聲喊道,直到他喉嚨裡喉嚨深thro,其中一名名叫胡利奧的學生去了殺手,試圖踢他,那就是讓老師掉到地上,很快抓住了刀,把它捲起來在他的肚子裡離開了房間,因為他聽到警察的警笛聲,但在我走之前,我說出了我的名字,我的時間到了。 我的母親得到了我,問我是否還記得發生了什麼事,我說 “當然不是母親,發生什麼事情似乎是一個典型的恐怖系列 。我很想忘記這個。 我覺得我的手機震動了,這是我的表弟凱瑟琳娜給我發來一個消息說她來到我家。 雖然她不在,我以為我會躺下來休息,因為已經有了 曙光,我用四條消息醒來了我手機的噪音

Untitled - Chapter 1

Chapter 1 It was a beautiful Christmas night, we were counting down and know everything would change next year, even when the countdown was over I had some not very good memories, like the last year at school and the murder in my living room, a guy with , A half-black and half-white mask came into my room and my teacher thought it was some student's joke, until he took out a pocket of a very large knife he gave a typical laughter of those horror films And said "There's nothing like deep breathing after a laugh. Nothing in the world compares to the sore stomach for the right reasons." Everyone in the room was in panic, including me, who hid myself from under my wallet and stayed there for a long time until he left our room, some students said that he took the knife and cut my teacher's neck very lightly and The more she shouted the more he laughed, until he cut a deep throat in her throat, one of the students named Julio went to the killer and tried to ...